Company specialized in printing on a web offset printing press and environmentally comitted

Legal notice

Legal notice

All data provided by users of this website will be used only for the purposes set out in each case and will be processed according to the principles of data protection established by European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679

Under this law, the personal data provided on this website may be included in computer files owned and under the responsibility of Impressions Rotatives Offset S. A. (C/ Pla de l'Estany, s/n – 17181 Aiguaviva). Impressions Rotatives Offset S. A. ensures privacy of personal data of users of this website.

Impressions Rotatives Offset S. A. understands that, when filling in forms on the website, the user is considered to be adequately informed about the purposes of collecting their personal data and its subsequent processing.

Users may, at any time, exercise their right to access, rectify and delete data supplied to Impressions Rotatives Offset S. A. by sending a signed written request to the address mentioned or an email to, including name, surname, ID and email address, and giving clear instructions on this matter.